Doting parents hire personal photographers - Small Business -

Doting parents hire personal photographers - Small Business -

Now, this is kinda interesting...parents paying professional photographers to follow their children around to capture candid shots. What do you think?

WEB ALBUM: Dad's Family Pictures

Here are some great pictures provided by my Dad and posted courtesy of Google's new Web Album service.

PICTURE: Grandfather, Sister Suzie, & Dad (1960)

Now, here's a great picture!

This is my grandfather (my dad's dad) with my sister, Suzie, and my dad. Looks like it was taken at a banquet of some sort.

This picture had a date stamp of August 1960 (way before MY time...hehehe).

PICTURE: My Dad & His Sister

Here's a little history...a picture of my dad as a little boy with his older sister taken at a photo studio in China. As my dad explained it to me, he remembers hating to wear this suit for the picture. This must be 1930s.

My aunt died maybe a few years later while my dad came over to the United States as a 14 or 15-year-old.

Ah, A Day Off At Last!

Columbus Day off was an unexpected surprise, but let me tell you...I'm glad to have it off! It's been a crazy time at work. I don't have a lot of plans for the day...just hanging out with Maria and the two youngest boys who she still homeschools. I know they want to return back to the local pumpkin patch to play on the blow-up slides, so I'm pretty sure that will be on the agenda.

In celebration of Google's big purchase of YouTube for $1.65 billion, I think I'll transfer some old VHS videotapes to DVD so I can dump these oversized cartridges that take up so much room on my bedroom shelves. Jeez, pretty soon we'll have no CDs either...losing Tower Records is just the start of the digital revolution. Kinda sad, but I do like Rhapsody and iTunes...just kinda sad that the old and the new can't coexist before one of them takes the fall.