Okay, you knew I'd have to breakdown eventually and officially sign-up for MySpace.com. I've been avoiding it like the plague...surely it was just a teenybopper site for the under 20 set, right? I've been watching Alexandra and Cameron use it for over a year now--I truly had no interest to set up yet another blog, social networking site, or photo/video sharing page.
But, like Microsoft, Google, and iPods/iTunes, it's hard to avoid something that EVERYONE uses. We over 40 folks have to face technological advances with the fearlessness and wonder of our younger peers ;-)
I set up my MySpace page in one morning...tweaking the backgrounds, playing with colored text, adding a slideshow, picking JUST the right music, writing a new blog entry, blah, blah, blah. I must say, it looks pretty good: www.MySpace.com/ryanyeeonline.
And I now have three "friends" if you wanna call them that: Alexandra, Cameron, and Stacy (Alex's friend). LOL, I'm soooooooooooooooooooo popular.
WOW, 18 Years Strong!
Today, Maria and I celebrated our 18th Anniversary with the kids. We ate at Mimosa Cafe, which is right next door to the beauty salon that Maria had her hair done on the morning of our wedding (not planned, but kinda cool). We took the kids to play in Astro Park, which is right across from Our Lady Of Lourdes where we got married. We meant to take some pictures nearby, but I think we forgot ;-)
In celebration of our anniversary, I put together another slideshow to the music of Eric Benet, "The Last Time." We decided that this song was pretty much written about us...love ya, Mady!
In celebration of our anniversary, I put together another slideshow to the music of Eric Benet, "The Last Time." We decided that this song was pretty much written about us...love ya, Mady!
We saw Pixar's "Ratatouille" today!
Our family had a night out at the movies and saw a pre-screening of Pixar's "Ratatouille." It was EXCELLENT! The kids and Maria took me out for an early Father's Day and we all enjoyed the movie. Tomorrow, Maria and I celebrate our 18th Anniversary, so we wanted to do Father's Day early. Anyway, this movie will be out next week, I believe. Take a look at the clip from YouTube below.
Maria and Me at The Police Concert
I'm having a terrific vacation week...I keep telling my company that I may NOT be returning! Maria and I saw The Police yesterday night at the baseball stadium. I was wondering where all the over 40 folks were hiding in the Bay Area...we found them last night at the concert! LOL
I haven't been around so many drunk, pot-smoking people in the last 10 years (grin)...we smelled like a combination of Cuervo and marijuana...I think we were getting high on second-hand pot while Sting sang "Don't Stand So Close To Me." Thank goodness I'm not at work this week...not sure I'd pass the random drug-testing (hahaha). We had a GREAT time...saw Mike, Anne, and Cousin Wendy in the audience, as well!
I haven't been around so many drunk, pot-smoking people in the last 10 years (grin)...we smelled like a combination of Cuervo and marijuana...I think we were getting high on second-hand pot while Sting sang "Don't Stand So Close To Me." Thank goodness I'm not at work this week...not sure I'd pass the random drug-testing (hahaha). We had a GREAT time...saw Mike, Anne, and Cousin Wendy in the audience, as well!

Eric Benet Sings "The Last Time"
This is OUR song (Maria and me)! Eric Benet sings this on Larry King Live with David Foster on piano. Hmmmmmmmm, maybe this will be our 18th Anniversary song ;-) ENJOY!
ENCORE Homeschooling Share Fair 2007
Every year, our homeschooling program holds a year-end share fair for all the families. The kids share some of their projects that they did during the school year. Also, the kids receive various achievement awards from the "parents" during an awards ceremony. Very nice program.