A Yee Family Picture

Thanksgiving Day 2007 034
Originally uploaded by
Ryan Yee.

Here's a picture of the grandkids with my Dad and Teresa taken in Mike and Anne's kitchen on Thanksgiving Day. Out of the seven grandchildren, my niece Deanna and nephew Jason were not there, but we'll catch them for our early Christmas party on December 8th.

Thanksgiving Day at Anne & Mike's House

Thanksgiving Day 2007 052
Originally uploaded by
Ryan Yee.

We stopped by unexpectedly at Anne and Mike's house as they were finishing up on the turkey (grin)...oh, don't worry, I picked the dark meat clean (hehehe). We appreciate them letting us just "drop in" on them. This is a picture of Anne, Maria, Alexandra, and me in the kitchen (where else?).

Our Thanksgiving Day Road Trip Adventure

The Yee Family hit the road in search of adventure and good cheer. After the typical start-of-the-day at Starbucks, Ryan and the kids head toward Berkeley to drop off a turkey dinner to friends and then flowers to relatives. Eventually, they end up at home where Maria has prepared a feast. The family is joined by Nanay and Uncle Alex. Lastly, they drop by and visit Uncle Mike, Auntie Anne, and Mitchell.

112007 YeeCAM

Just saying hello on the week of Thanksgiving and sharing some of the changes we've made to the RyanYee.net blog site. Checkout the YouTube video player at the bottom of the webpage.

PODCAST: Ryan calls from his car in traffic...obviously bored ;-)

Ryan Yee and family create moblog postings from the road using an iPhone.

PODCAST: Nicholas introduces his works-of-art

Nicholas is only six-years-old, but his drawings are REALLY good! I was quite impressed by the level of detail...I wasn't aware of his obvious artistic gifts.

Wow, was I surprised! As soon as he showed them to me, I insisted that he record a podcast here on www.ryanyee.net and share his artistic creations with THE WORLD!!! ;-)

And without missing a beat, he recorded this "monologue" in one sitting...IMPRESSIVE!

Click on the audioclip below to hear him explain each picture.

PODCAST: Nicholas creates his own battle pack

Nicholas talks about the battle pack he created based on the popular Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon cards. The cards in the pack really demonstrate a LOT of creativity for a six-year-old. Good job!