It's a rainy Sunday afternoon...Maria and Cameron wanted to go to the mall. Ah, but I came prepared. With netbook, the Nook, a cellphone, and Verizon Wireless modem in hand, I've settled down comfortably here at a McDonald's here at Sun Valley and taking a moment to blog ;-)
Just saw that Bode Miller finally won a gold metal...will definitely have to watch the replay on NBC later tonight. I read a "movie spoiler" about Leonardo DeCaprio's new movie, "Shutter Island." Wow, what a surprise ending (hehehe).
Hope you're all staying dry...I'm gonna log into Slingbox now and watch the Olympics...I know, I'm SUCH a techie nerd! LOL
Maria with our new niece, Ellie
Originally uploaded by Ryan Yee.
We visited Alex and Heidi yesterday with the kids to see our week-old niece, Ellie Grace ;-) She was alert (but hungry) during our late-night visit, but no doubt about absolute "cutie." And Maria hasn't forgotten how to change a diaper with lightening speed either
Ellie Grace Catapusan (born 2/10/2010)
Our new little niece is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! We are in L-O-V-E!
Alex Catapusan,
Ellie Grace,
Alexandra as The Little Match Girl (2000)
Alexandra dancing in The Little Match Girl was definitely one of the highlights for me as a dad ;-) Even though she's a driving teenager now, she'll always be MY "Little Match Girl."