I'm at home sick again today, so I have a lot of time on my hands to play with video and pictures (grin). This one is for my little guy, Nicholas (Nini). Can't believe he's already nine-years-old. Jeez, time really flies by quickly. Here's MY way of grabbing onto the early years for just a little while longer.
For Alexandra
A music video for my daughter, Alexandra. Even though she drives now, she'll always be MY little girl (smile). I integrated some of her old dancing videoclips with some of her pictures. I hope you like it, Alexandra. Love, Dad.
Julian Smith (sax) – All By Myself (Britain's Got Talent 2009)
NOTE from Ryan: This was my first attempt to integrate still pictures with videoclips. I think it turned out pretty good, actually. Julian liked it on Facebook, too ;-) If you haven't got his new CD, order it below—you're gonna like it!
After much frustration in the music business, Julian Smith decided to enter BRITAINS GOT TALENT IN 2009 and achieved second runner up placement with nearly 700,000 public telephone votes and millions of YouTube hits on the internet. Get Julian's long-anticipated "Somewhere" CD at http://www.juliansmithsax.co.uk. - created at http://animoto.com
After much frustration in the music business, Julian Smith decided to enter BRITAINS GOT TALENT IN 2009 and achieved second runner up placement with nearly 700,000 public telephone votes and millions of YouTube hits on the internet. Get Julian's long-anticipated "Somewhere" CD at http://www.juliansmithsax.co.uk. - created at http://animoto.com