Dad's Photos from 1950s


Photos from 1950s, a set on Flickr.

These are snapshots my Dad took about the time he was attending U.C. Berkeley. My Mom is in a couple of them, too. Very nice.

Easter Sunday with Family

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For Easter, we visited Maria's Mom in Oakland and cooked breakfast. Mom ordered more food from a Chinese restaurant near Fruitvale Avenue. Alex and Heidi came by with baby Ellie, too. What a terrific day.

Dad's 85th Birthday Brunch

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We took Dad to Moonstar Restaurant in Daly City for his 85th Birthday. I think we ALL ate too much...and Maria (who had to work) made us sneak about 20 almond cookies out of the buffet (they have cameras all over, too)! LOL. Happy Birthday, Dad! Afterwards, we drove into Berkeley and Alexandra got a belated birthday present—a nose piercing!