Brandon & Nicholas talk about Christmas

On Christmas Day, Brandon and Nicholas share what gifts they got under the tree and in their stockings.

Maria and Nicholas on Christmas Day

Maria and Nicholas on Christmas Day
Originally uploaded by Ryan Yee.

Taken with the Helio.

Alexandra and me on Christmas Day

Alexandra and me on Christmas Day
Originally uploaded by Ryan Yee.

Taken with the Helio.

Nanay and Alex on Christmas Day

Nanay and Alex on Christmas Day
Originally uploaded by Ryan Yee.

Taken with the Helio.

Merry Christmas from The Yee Kids

Courtesy of Office Depot, the Yee Kids (Brandon, Nicholas, Cameron, and Alexandra) want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! ;-)

Ryan didn't shave yet!

Ryan didn't shave yet!
Originally uploaded by Ryan Yee.

See what happens when you spend all morning updating Twitter, Blogger, and talking to your sister on the phone while watching "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" on AMC? Not good...

Picture courtesy of my HELIO cellphone.

OVERLINKED to the Internet...

Since I am SUCH a gadgety-kinda-guy, leave it to me to get overlinked to the Internet. I'm now combining Blogger, Jott, and Twitter to keep this website up-to-date...oh yeah, and ALL on by way of my Helio cellphone through phonecall, texting, and chat (LOL). Like Maria says, "Whatta NerdBoy!!!" hehehe

Look to the right and you can see what I've been thinking or doing (or thinking of doing) down to the day, hour, minute, or second...scary, huh?

Brandon, Cameron, Maria, & Nicholas at Slick's

Brandon, Cameron, Maria, & Nicholas at Slick's
Originally uploaded by
Ryan Yee.

Just after getting haircuts at Slick's Barbershop...they all look rather clean-cut, huh?

Hi everyone, this is me...

Hi everyone, this is Ryan, calling from this car phone, sending this to Jott. It's a service that transcribes telephone calls into e-mails and blog postings. Try it out some time. It works really well. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and have a happy new year and thank you for always visiting Talk to you later. Bye. listen

Powered by Jott

Blogging using Jott!

I am trying a new service called and I am writting this blog by talking into my telephone and it's transcribed and posted here on Blogger. This is a very cool service. If you want to try it, again I am just calling into telephone. It's transcribing and putting this blog right on here for me. So give it a try. listen

Powered by Jott

Gee Family Christmas Party 2007

Gee Family Christmas Party 2007 200
Originally uploaded by
Ryan Yee.

Mike and Anne again opened their beautiful house to all the family for an early Christmas Party for all the local Gee Family members. My two cousins from Seattle, Kevin and Kirk, also drove down for the festivities. I finally met Kirk's wife, Yumi, and their little daughter, Reina. Santa Scott (another cousin) made a visit to drop off toys for all the kids (SEE pictures at, a Gee Family tradition going back probably 25 years (grin). We topped it all off with a spirited White Elephant Gift Exchange (there wasn't much stealing this year, Thanks again to Mike and Anne...was LOTS of fun for all!

Brandon smiling

Brandon smiling
Originally uploaded by Ryan Yee.

Took this with my new Helio cellphone...Brandon has a very sweet smile when he wants to ;-) I'm getting a little crazy with this Helio phone, though. I'm texting from the BART, posting pictures on Flickr, and writing blog entries on MySpace. Talk about being hooked up 24/7! LOL. The other day, a man got on the train and sat next to me...then proceded to take his smelly shoes off. I immediately texted Alexandra and gave her the play-by-play. I held my breath from Embarcadero all the way to 19th Street. Why do people feel they can stretchout on the train like they were at home? hehehe...

Cameron sings with school choir

This is a video taken of Cameron singing with the school choir for the season's Christmas Performance. If you know Cameron, standing in front of a couple hundred people to sing is a BIG accomplishment...I couldn't be prouder! GREAT JOB!

Performance of The Little Match Girl

LMG & School Choir 008
Originally uploaded by
Ryan Yee.

Maria and I take a picture at the ballet studio with Alexandra after the performance of The Little Match Girl. Alex played the role of The Cat and an Angel. I can't believe it was seven years ago that Alex danced the role of the Little Match Girl...can honestly say that was one of the proudest moments of my life (seeing this little 7-year-old dance a full-length ballet). I'm biased, but she was just as good in this performance, too! hehehe

Maria and me at the ballet studio

LMG & School Choir 011
Originally uploaded by
Ryan Yee.

This was taken just after The Little Match Girl performance.