A Day with the Family in Oakland

Just got home from walking the 3-mile Lake Merritt in Oakland with Maria and the kids. I had a doctor's appointment this morning in Berkeley (I'll live...), so we decided to take a quick run over to Oakland afterwards. It was a beautiful day (68-70 degrees). We walked by the church where Maria and I married, passed by the tennis courts where we use to play, ran through the tunnel that leads to the Calvin Simmons Auditorium, played on the sandy shore area where my cousins and I use to play for hours (bandstand and all), walked by Children's Fairyland (too expensive now...$6 for ANYONE 1 to 100 years old the sign said!!!), went by the duck pond, was kicked off the stage where they have Shakespeare in the Park by some mean caretaker (what a grump), had drinks at a cafe, then headed home. I'm sure the kids will sleep well tonight!


Morgan said...

Hello Yee family. You look very happy and healthy. My name is Morgan and I'm in South St. Paul, Minneapolis. If I had an audio blog, you would be able to tell that I'm originally from the South - Charleston, South Carolina to be exact. I find it very interesting to learn about other cultures and other places online and although California is not that far away, it is certainly different from the Midwest and from the Southeast. Keep on blogging, Yee family. You never know who will drop by.