His and her Eskimos! That fake fur on our jacket hoods eventually became very wet and frozen. Near the end of the day, they looked more like "dead animals" around our necks--not a good look!
Ryan Yee is the host of NerdBoyTV.com, a weekly syndicated podcast on iTunes and YouTube since 2007 focusing on consumer technology, techie gadgets, and cool Internet finds for the everyday person. NerdBoyTV has over 33,000 Twitter followers and provides product demos, expert interviews, and links to the latest technology news. It's like having your very own online "nerd" friend.
Since 2005, I've personally maintained this family blog. Actually, I've been writing a blog for way over 18 years...it just wasn't called blogging back then ;-) It's definitely grown over time into "Yee Central" on the Internet! It's the world according to Ryan Yee in words, pictures, audioclips, and videos. As always, the challenge is keeping it current and up-to-date (grin). Thanks for taking the time to stop by...visit often!
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