Yay! He did it! Alex completes the 2007 Canadian IronMan

We are soooooooooooooooooo proud of Maria's brother, Alex. As you can see from the snapshot I took on the 2007 Canadian IronMan website, my brother-in-law completed 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, and 26.2 miles of running in 16:36:50!!

When I called Maria yesterday, she said Alex was quite a bit dehydrated and needed an IV after crossing the finish line. It must have been terrific to have Maria and her mother there to see him bring it to the finish line.

We are VERY proud of you here back in the States. It kinda makes my 2 miles in 35 minutes on the treadmill look rather silly...I'll just fall back on the fact that I'm in another age category (hehehe). Good job, Alex. You're our hero for SURE!