Oprah and Eckhart Tolle Teach A New Earth in Live Webcast Classes: "For the first time ever, you can join Oprah and Eckhart Tolle, the best-selling author of The Power of Now, as they teach A New Earth in Oprah's worldwide classroom live Monday nights on Oprah.com."
NOTE: I'll be taking this class starting tomorrow evening. Maria and I are BOTH reading this book. Should be interesting to say the least...this will no doubt be THE biggest online class EVER!
I am so greatful to Eckhart Tolle and Oprah for turning me onto Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and her beautiful book ""My Stroke of Insight"". Her story is amazing and her gift to all of us is a book purchase away I'm happy to say.
Dr Taylor was a Harvard brain scientist when she had a stroke at age 37. What was amazing was that her left brain was shut down by the stroke - where language and thinking occur - but her right brain was fully functioning. She experienced bliss and nirvana and the way she writes about it (or talks about it in her now famous TED talk) is incredible.
What I took away from Dr. Taylor's book above all, and why I recommend it so highly, is that you don't have to have a stroke or take drugs to find the deep inner peace that she talks about. Her book explains how. ""I want what she's having"", and thanks to this wonderful book, I can! Thank you Dr. Taylor, and thank you Eckhart and Oprah.
Ryan Yee is the host of NerdBoyTV.com, a weekly syndicated podcast on iTunes and YouTube since 2007 focusing on consumer technology, techie gadgets, and cool Internet finds for the everyday person. NerdBoyTV has over 33,000 Twitter followers and provides product demos, expert interviews, and links to the latest technology news. It's like having your very own online "nerd" friend.
Since 2005, I've personally maintained this family blog. Actually, I've been writing a blog for way over 18 years...it just wasn't called blogging back then ;-) It's definitely grown over time into "Yee Central" on the Internet! It's the world according to Ryan Yee in words, pictures, audioclips, and videos. As always, the challenge is keeping it current and up-to-date (grin). Thanks for taking the time to stop by...visit often!
I am so greatful to Eckhart Tolle and Oprah for turning me onto Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and her beautiful book ""My Stroke of Insight"". Her story is amazing and her gift to all of us is a book purchase away I'm happy to say.
Dr Taylor was a Harvard brain scientist when she had a stroke at age 37. What was amazing was that her left brain was shut down by the stroke - where language and thinking occur - but her right brain was fully functioning. She experienced bliss and nirvana and the way she writes about it (or talks about it in her now famous TED talk) is incredible.
What I took away from Dr. Taylor's book above all, and why I recommend it so highly, is that you don't have to have a stroke or take drugs to find the deep inner peace that she talks about. Her book explains how. ""I want what she's having"", and thanks to this wonderful book, I can! Thank you Dr. Taylor, and thank you Eckhart and Oprah.
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