"A new book offers advice for college students looking to save their parents' retirement and financial well-being.
Meet Zac Bissonnette, a graduate of the University of Massachusetts and the author of the book Debt-Free U: How I Paid For an Outstanding College Education Without Loans, Scholarships, or Mooching Off My Parents. Bissonnette's tale is an eye-opening one – and a must-read for students looking to save every penny they can on tuition.
The cost of higher education is rising – even as the economy remains a tailspin. The average four-year cost for a top-flight school like Harvard or Stanford is almost $200,000. And even a solid state school like UCLA or the University of Michigan will set students back almost $100,000.
So how did Bissonnette come out ahead?
Let's take a look at Bissonnette's results and what he was (or wasn't) working with. He graduated with no student loan debt, no financial support from parents and no scholarships.
NOTE from Ryan: Click on the link above to read the entire article.
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With two teenagers nearing college shortly, this is a very timely book. I'm definitely going to read it. My niece, Deanna, went the community college route and rolled her credits over to UC Berkeley, where she just graduated with a double-major—and NOT debt! Good job!
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