Like the ’55 Chevy, the 3,000-Mile Oil Change Is Pretty Much History - Yahoo! Finance
NOTE from Ryan: I'm one of those who changes his oil every 3,000 miles, so this particular finding struck a cord with me—I wanted to pass this along to all of you, too.
"I STILL remember learning from my father how to carefully remove a dipstick to check the oil level in our cars. It was drilled into me — along with turning off the lights when you left a room and clearing the plates off the table after dinner — that oil needs to be changed every 3,000 miles or so.
I’m not sure what I thought would happen if I didn’t, but I vaguely imagined an unlubricated engine grinding to a halt.
Childhood habits are hard to undo, and that’s often good. To this day, I hate seeing an empty room with the lights on.
But sometimes, we need to throw aside our parents’ good advice. In March, for example, I wrote about how we should relearn the dishwasher and laundry soap habits we inherited from our mothers.
Add frequent oil-changing to that list.
“There was a time when the 3,000 miles was a good guideline,” said Philip Reed, senior consumer advice editor for the car site “But it’s no longer true for any car bought in the last seven or eight years.”
Oil chemistry and engine technology have improved to the point that most cars can go several thousand more miles before changing the oil, Mr. Reed said. A better average, he said, would be 7,500 between oil changes, and sometimes up to 10,000 miles or more.
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I'd love to go along with this, but only for cars under 75k or so miles. For extreme driving, say you live in Phoenix and you have 115k miles on your car, I'm sticking with oil changes every 3k.
Peace of mind or not, it's worth it just to get your car checked out every few months to pinpoint any problems that will get expensive down the road. The oil change is really just extra.
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