Ryan Yee on MySpace.com

Okay, you knew I'd have to breakdown eventually and officially sign-up for MySpace.com. I've been avoiding it like the plague...surely it was just a teenybopper site for the under 20 set, right? I've been watching Alexandra and Cameron use it for over a year now--I truly had no interest to set up yet another blog, social networking site, or photo/video sharing page.

But, like Microsoft, Google, and iPods/iTunes, it's hard to avoid something that EVERYONE uses. We over 40 folks have to face technological advances with the fearlessness and wonder of our younger peers ;-)

I set up my MySpace page in one morning...tweaking the backgrounds, playing with colored text, adding a slideshow, picking JUST the right music, writing a new blog entry, blah, blah, blah. I must say, it looks pretty good: www.MySpace.com/ryanyeeonline.

And I now have three "friends" if you wanna call them that: Alexandra, Cameron, and Stacy (Alex's friend). LOL, I'm soooooooooooooooooooo popular.